Monday, 12 November 2018


Unofficial Holding Page
pending permission from the owners/managers
in accordance with the Data Protection Act and GDPR
Reserved exclusively for the local Lloyds Bank branch approved delegates
Used for seasonal offers and unique messages
to inform Surbiton and Tolworth residents and visitors

Lloyds Bank
1 Claremont Road


Computer Repair and ICT
6 Claremont Road
Surbiton KT6 4QU

Saturday, 10 November 2018


You will be pleased to know that a connecting page has been prepared for all shops and businesses resident in Claremont Road, Surbiton.

We are currently discussing the options in detail with the owners and shop managers in Claremont Road.

What are the advantages for you, the residents and visitors in Surbiton and Tolworth?

We will explain this publicly and release more information on or shortly after 1st December 2018...

Friday, 9 November 2018

A local shopping experience

There are to many poorly maintained directories, which allow local businesses and shop owners a free listing without any link to their own web site. It is not helpful to us, as local residents, when we are looking for specific products or services in our own back yard, meaning Surbiton, Berrylands and Tolworth...

Mobile (smart phone) technonolgy has improved considerably in the last few years. We will be working diligently with the business owners in Claremont Road to develop a reliable source of information while you are visiting Surbiton's rich choice of shopping parades.

We will keep you advised of our progress...

You can contact me via:

on LinkedIn
in Surbiton and Tolworth (Facebook)